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If you're feeling a little "off" lately, its should come as no surprise considering all that is happening in the world today. COVID19 is on the rise in some states, wildfires are burning in others, and the overall mood is one of deep concern and confusion about what tomorrow may bring. 


A big part of maintaining good mental health is interacting with others and being connected to the world around us. Now, after months of social distancing due to COVID 19, it's not unusual to feel lonely, disconnected or even downright depressed sometimes. Summer is normally a time for family reunions, outdoor music festivals and vacation getaways, but as the pandemic continues, cancelled plans are commonplace and once merry moods are turning to mush.  Here are a few simple tips to help you maintain a mellow mood until times get better:


1) Do Something - Choose a cause that you are emotionally connected to and do what you can to help. This can be as simple as writing "thank you notes to healthcare workers or sending them pizza for lunch.  Worried about the upcoming election? Volunteer to help people get registered or help them verify their voter registration status - virtually. Last but not least, donate money, clothes or other items through a reputable agency - to help thousands of families forced to leave their homes due to fires raging throughout California. Whatever you decide to do, and no matter how big or small, helping others has always been my #1 way to get out of the dumps and stave of doldrums.


2) Take Time to Count Your Blessings (this one goes along with #1) - It's an old cliche but there is always something to be thankful for.  It's not that we use the misfortunes of others to elevate our mood but, having empathy for people who have different (and oftentimes, more urgent) problems than you do, can put your current situation in a different perspective.  Hope is a healer and most things get better with time.


3) Treat Yourself to a Home Spa Experience - Adding fragrant bath bombs and/or natural sugar scrubs to your shower routine can be a nice way to start your day. Experiment with DIY facials using things you may already have in your kitchen (e.g.; oatmeal, honey, sugar, etc.) or try a hot oil treatment to get your hair ready for the world.  If you don't have the time or desire to tackle a DIY project, we've got you covered with our new line of all natural "Spoil Yourself Hemp & Honey" spa products.


2) Get Dressed Everyday - Pajamas and sweats can be comfy but they are also hide weight gain and they don't do a lot for your self esteem.  Get dressed up for you!


3) Spend Time in the Sun -  Sunshine can really help brighten your mood.  Spend at least 30 to 60 minutes in the sun each day if possible. If you can't get outside, even bright inside lighting can lift your mood during early morning hours. 


4)  Eat Well - Limit fast food and sugary snacks that can cause slumps and spikes that zap energy and leave your feeling irritable.  Eat protein rich foods to fuel your brain and maintain blood sugar stability. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may boost your mood.


5) Get Moving - Walk, run, play! Break a sweat!  Exercise is a natural mood booster. 


6) Address Stress - Be in tune to anxiety and stress and do something about it.  Meditation, deep breathing and taking a break from the news can help.  But, don't be afraid to talk to someone if you start feeling too far down.


8) Try Lyfe is Green CBD to Help You Stress Less - Research has shown that CBD may help reduce anxiety and stress without any psychoactive effects or harmful side-effects of some prescription and OTC anxiety drugs. Use Coupon Code: STRESSLESS to save $10 on your first purchase of our pure and potent, organic full spectrum CBD oil (900 mg size) and use Coupon Code STRESSLESS2 $5 off our all natural CBD Calming Cream (1 oz size).

best oil and cream pic.


















Disclaimer: These products are not intended to cure or treat any disease and have not been approved by the Federal Drug Administration.  CBD extracted from hemp must contain less than 0.3 THC.  Although it does not cause a "high' associated with marijuana, low levels of THC may be detected on drug tests.  Please use your own discretion if you are subject to drug screening.  Always consult your physician when starting a new product


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